Quote of the Week

"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding."
-Leonardo da Vinci

Monday, November 3, 2014

Michelangelo and Sculpture

Our fifth graders are currently studying the Italian Renaissance with a focus on Michelangelo. We have been talking about sculpture and how Italian sculptors championed the use of contrapposto to create the illusion of motion in their marble figures. Below is an example of contrapposto, or the shifting of weight in a figure, exhibited by Donatello's Saint Mark, ca.1411-1413.
We also reviewed the use of chiaroscuro, or the treatment of light and shadow in a composition, as well as disegno, or drawing used as design for completed works.  Below left, Caravaggio's Calling of St. Matthew exhibits dramatic use of chiaroscuro, while below right, Da Vinci's drawing for Madonna and Child exhibits the use of disegno.
Finally, we introduced our next project, a "disegno" like, full value drawing of a profile of the head of Michelangelo's David. Our fifth graders are so excited for this project!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Gothic Architecture and Our Next Project...

Our fourth graders are currently learning about French Gothic Architecture. We have  been learning about it's defining characteristics, such as it's ornate decoration, it's distinctive structure, and it's penchant for having exquisite stained glass windows. We are focusing our study on the famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France.
For our next project, each fourth grade class will work to create their own composite rose window, using the rose windows in Notre Dame as a reference.

Monday, October 20, 2014

A Sampling

Here is a glimpse of some of our fourth grader's finished work. They used the elements of line, pattern and color in this project.

Linear Perspective, Illuminated Manuscripts and Quarter Two!

Our students are back from fall break and hopefully ready to move onto new projects. Our fifth graders continue to work on one point perspective drawings, using Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper as a referencce,
and will finally be able to take the quiz, which will assess their comprehension of the works and elements of art we have discussed up until this point in the semester. I'm certain they are thrilled about it.

Our fourth graders will finish their illuminated manuscript project, a sampling of which will be up for viewing early next week. I am looking forward to the new quarter and the topics we will be examining in class!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Icons and Illuminated Manuscripts

This week, our fourth graders will be starting a new project. As we move into this next project, we will be looking at icons, specifically Madonna and Child on a Curved Throne, and illuminated manuscripts, with special attention to The Book of Kells.
With our next project, students will have the chance to do a little illuminating of their own.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Line in Action

As you can see, students are hard at work technically applying what they have learned about line in their current project. We have been reviewing the importance of line weight, of paying close attention to negative space when drawing, and of using our pencil to measure space and direction in our drawings.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Element of Line

For this project, before we begin actually putting line to work, we review some of the various definitions of line. Students are learning that vocabulary words they are accustomed to in other disciplines can have very different meanings when used regarding art.
I would ask students for definitions for words such as 'organic', 'varied' and 'negative' and would help lead them, using the Socratic method, to the specific meanings of those words in art. As we move forward this semester, we will continue to randomly review the definitions we learned in this project as we use the different kind of lines to help solidify students' understanding of these terms.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our Next Project...

Elements of Art: Line

In the next project we undertake in class, we will be looking more in depth at one of the most fundamental elements of art: line. In this project, we will seek to better understand the varying nature of line in art and will put our understanding to the test using technical application. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Back-to-School Social!

Please join us for the Back-To-School Social

and Campus Dedication Ceremony!

Friday, August 15, 2014

              6:00 - 7:30 PM Archway Arete families are invited to enjoy ice cream and mingle with other families and staff.

                  7:00 PM All families are encouraged to join in the campus dedication ceremony by Great Hearts CEO, Dr. Daniel Scoggin, honoring the Marley Foundation and Betty A. Wilson.

                 7:30 - 9:00 PM Arete Prep families are invited to enjoy ice cream and mingle with other families and staff.

Parking and Shuttle Service:
Due to both communities (Arete Prep and Archway Arete) being on campus with families at the same time, traffic and parking will be an issue. To accommodate everyone, we will provide two shuttles running continuously between the former Lindsay campus and the new Arete campus. Only handicapped, dignitary, and faculty parking is available at the Arete campus during the event. Shuttles will circulate every 5 to 10 minutes from 5:30 PM until 9:30 PM.

Locations on Campus:

Ice Cream Social Multi-Purpose room in the

Campus Dedication Ceremony Gymnatorium at 7:00 PM

Archway building


New Arete campus 4525 E.Baseline Rd. Gilbert, AZ

Former Lindsay campus 1303 S. Lindsay Rd. Mesa, AZ

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Dear Archway Arete Parents and Students,

My name is Miss Candace Arce-Lindsay, and it is my privilege to serve as your children’s 4th and 5th grade Art Teacher this academic year. I am thrilled to be able to welcome you into our beautiful new facility, and I am so excited for what this new school year has to offer.

This year, I am afforded the privilege of exploring the subject of the fine arts with your children. We will delve into the elements of art, such as line, shape, space, and color, and we will not only examine different artistic techniques, but put them into practice as well. It is my great hope that I will be able to encourage an intellectual hunger and growing sense of wonder in your children as we explore the historical complexity of art and seek goodness, truth, and beauty as we study it.

I am so privileged to be working at Archway Arete, and to be afforded the opportunity of being a part of your child’s learning experience this year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have as this academic year progresses. I greatly look forward to working with you to make this school year a challenging and enriching experience for your child.

With sincerity,

Candace Arce-Lindsay