Quote of the Week

"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding."
-Leonardo da Vinci

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A Lil Update: Plant Babies and Reading Ideas!

Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well! I miss seeing all your smiling faces! As I mentioned in the video above, here is the link to Grimm's Fairy Tales online: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/52521 
Please keep in mind this is not homework, just a fun suggestion if you have a spare bit of time to use creatively in the coming days!

Make sure you get permission from your parents if you decide to try my suggestion, and if you create an artwork based on it,  please email it to me at carce-lindsay@archwayarete.org so I can see your beautiful work! Who knows, I might even post some,  with your permission of course!😊

Happy reading! And drawing!
- Ms. Arce-Lindsay 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Extended Break: Greeting and Update!

Hello Wonderful Archway Families!!!

I hope everyone is keeping healthy and safe and doing well! I miss seeing all of your beautiful faces but I am sure you are making excellent use of the lovely weather!

If anyone wants to write me a letter or send a picture of your adventures and your artworks you've made in your extended spring break, my email is carce-lindsay@archwayarete.org !

I am keeping busy and I'll keep popping in (mostly on Mondays) with updates on my blog, so feel free to drop in and see what's going on!

Grade level packets were sent out and I hope everyone is enjoying working through them! If anyone has any questions regarding them, please feel free to e mail me as well.

Stay safe and stay encouraged my wonderful students and families!!!

Keep creating,

Ms. Arce-Lindsay