Quote of the Week

"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding."
-Leonardo da Vinci

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Art Club: Kusudama and Club on Friday!

Hello Archway Art Club families!

Just to confirm, there is art club this Friday, the 30th, for the 1-2nd graders. We are working on a fall themed project, and they are doing a spectacular job. Also, please be aware that, due to the number of Fridays we were unable to have club in the past month, I am trying to schedule a couple "catch-up" clubs for the 1-2nd grade art clubbers. More on that later!

As for our 3-5th grade art clubbers, we just finished working on our Kusudama project. Kusudama are made using the art of origami to make multiple interlocking units that unite to form a spherical form. Here is what the finished product looks like!